The Peoples Climate March is a march for climate, jobs and justice. It’s about intersectional movement building, intergenerational struggle, and the right to clean water, breathable air, and economic opportunity. These mothers demonstrate not only the breadth of our collective, but the wisdom of our cause. We all have much to learn from why they march.
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What does the Peoples Climate Movement mean to you?
The Peoples Climate Movement is a chance for people from all backgrounds to stand with communities living at the frontlines of some of the worst pollution in America for solutions that uplift the health, wealth, and security of everybody by leaving polluters no place to dump their waste.
My family and I got to the US as refugees from Vietnam in the early 80s. We became farm laborers in Portland, OR. My mom strapped me to her back as we picked strawberries. We moved to Oakland where we did work in sweatshops. I saw the connection between what was happening on farmlands and urban centers. What I do today is connect the climate and economy problems while working for solutions.
Green For All works for solutions to solve poverty and pollution. The Peoples Climate Movement is an opportunity to bring people together to stand with people suffering at the frontlines of pollution and climate change for transformative solutions.
What are you currently doing to resist the Trump Agenda?
As Donald Trump is attacking climate protections in every way possible, we need state leaders to lead the resistance with climate policy that stands up for frontline families who have been hurt first and worst by fossil fuels. Our Frontlines First campaign is driving innovative climate policy that puts communities that have lived for too long with industrial pollution first in the clean energy economy.
In Flint, Michigan we are continuing to provide a megaphone for the community leaders and organizations working to address the crisis in Flint. In addition we are working with these leaders to turn the focus to the future of Flint, and what the community needs to sustainably and equitably rebuild itself into a prosperous city. Residents have gone through some of the worst years in recent history and now deserve the best the country has to offer — in expertise, support and resources– to help Flint make a comeback.
We are making sure the country understands that climate justice is racial justice and social justice. Our families are the ones at the frontlines. The ones whose lives will be risked first and worst when superstorms and hit, and the ones affected so much by air pollution that we can’t walk out of our homes. We need to make sure we engage people to care deeply about social and racial justice.
What keeps you going?
To me, this isn’t work. This is my life. My “work” comes from my deep unconditional love for Oakland, for my family, for my kids. It comes from gratitude to all those who helped me up and held me together when I was struggling. My work is my expression of love. And love is inexhaustible.